Helsinki based Varjo has launched its next generation XR and VR headsets with human-eye resolution for use in industries where high visual accuracy is important, including training and simulation, engineering, research, medical and design. With most of the world working remotely and demand for virtual and mixed reality on theRead More →

When you think of university level English education, an AR game might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, with the current availability of powerful cellphones and inexpensive standalone VR headsets, augmented and virtual reality could be regularly used in college humanities courses sooner rather than later.Read More →

Hypergrid Business may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page, which helps us keep the site going, and lets us offer free ads for OpenSim-related businesses. Prices are accurate as of the date of publication. Looking for a VR headset but not sure where toRead More →

If you are in the UK this fall, and are interested in seeing some virtual reality and augmented reality art for free, check out the Alternate Realities touring exhibition that is part of the Sheffield Doc/Fest and will be coming to Brighton in October, Manchester in November and will finishRead More →